The Heartland District is a geographical district of Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ (LCMC).
We are comprised of congregations in Iowa, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Kansas.
As members of the priesthood of all believers, called by the Holy Spirit to confess the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ in its purity, we give thanks for God’s continual faithfulness.
In partnership with one another, we unite to carry out God’s mission to the world in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
The Heartland District has a Mission Support Fund. Please contact the District Service Coordinator about financial support for your mission efforts, including mission trips, mission education, local outreach, retreats and special training, and mission development for your congregation.What we do
- Offer fellowship, worship, and educational opportunities for different groups through the Heartland District Men’s Ministry, Women of the Word (WOW), and Youth gatherings.
- Supply congregations with information on mission opportunities
- Provide information and support on the pastoral certification and call process
- Assist congregations and pastors in conflict.
- Offer support for church professionals through our District Pastor
- Serve as support and resource for congregations with a variety of issues and topics
- Offer financial aid for Seminary students
- Provide opportunities for networking and fellowship through annual gatherings, speakers, special training, and regional events.